Masters of Architecture
The cinematics of architecture or architectures of cinema
Museum of people /
theatre of place
Kyoto, Japan
The project re-considers the notion of 'museum' and focuses on the essence that constitutes the city a ‘place’; the ‘placeness’ of Kyoto.
Informed by the research on the notion of place, the proposal emerged from the position that place as a notion lies on the human conceptions about it rather than the place itself.
Bachelors in Architecture
Culture factory
Kunming, China
If one thing has stigmatized China’s recent history that is the adoption of the communist regime and the 'cultural revolution' movement that left countless losses to Chinese culture.
The project critiques this ‘monopoly of culture’ that communists foresaw and through ‘commopoly’; an imaginative communist version of the ultimate capitalist board game ‘monopoly’, strengths the prospect of protection and preservation of cultures around the world.
Anti-WW1 memorial
Huddersfield, United Kingdom
The project is chronologically placed in 2014, the centenary of the commencement of the First World War. The project’s approach was based in two conceptual axis. A century contains more years than the average human lifetime, meaning that not a single living person on earth has experienced the war in any way.
The second axis is Huddersfield’s opposition as a town to the war. What should therefore a memorial about the Great War say in a town which strongly opposed to it? The proposal argues that this might finally be the time to memorise the people who refused to fight, rather than the ones who died doing so.
Theatron school
Holmfirth, United Kingdom
The relation between the sense of sight and theatre is instant. We 'watch a theatre' and not 'hear a theatre' because a theatrical performance is not offered without the ability of watching it. The eye is the 'tool' for people to reach to sight.
The project is based on the concept of perceptional perspectives. Two viewers that have just watched the same theatrical performance might not have comprehended the same meaning. Their eyes have seen the same light rays and movements by the performers acting. Their minds though interpret the performance in different ways.
Life centre
Dalton, United Kingdom
Human health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being. Dalton surgery, as a local health centre aims to provide physical health to its patients whilst the inclusion of a community centre could be the answer to challenges of social wellness.
The concept of the project was based on the understanding that life begins and generally ends in health centres. Life therefore can be seen as a circle whose start and end are the same point. A full round of the circle represents a life and the circle itself is called the circle of life.